What is your name (or pen name)? Kaylynn Hunt
What genre(s) do you write in? Contemporary Fiction/paranormal/Urban Romance
What genre(s) do you enjoy reading? Why? Paranormal because introduces different characters, creatures, perspectives.
Who is your favorite author?* Impossible to narrow down just one.
If you were stranded on a desert island with only one book, which book would you choose?* The Shack
If you could have a conversation with an author, dead or alive, who would it be? Why? Maya Angelou because it's her, she was the one that made me fall in love with reading. I would want to soak up all her wisdom. I envision it being like sitting with an elder, mesmerized.
Describe your writing style in one sentence. Unpredictable
Which one of your books is the most talked about? Love with A Vengeance
Which one of your books would you like more people to read? Complicated Simplicity
Where can readers find you on the worldwide web? *www.kaylynnhunt.com
This is awesome!